

Swipe the screen and connect same color chips. Eliminate all the stars to make Nostar and win!

Also available in
Amazon App Store | Uptodown

Nostar is a relaxed and entertaining puzzle game where, if you measure your moves, you will always win. A game of Nostar usually lasts around five minutes, which makes this game ideal for those little breaks throughout the day.

Swipe the central chip across the board by sliding it with your finger. When you mark a move, the chip will slide until it hits another one. If at that point two or more of the same color come together, both disappear and the board becomes more clear for you.

When you have no more moves and want to lock the playing chip, press the bottom button to play with the next chip. But be careful! When you abandon a chip it becomes a block that you can no longer remove and may prevent you from accessing the chips that interest you.

You make Nostar when you eliminate all the stars! Apply your strategy to clear the path that allows you to access and eliminate the star when it appears to you.

Also available in
Amazon App Store | Uptodown


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